I love to play Sportsbook and watch hockey. But, I know that gambling can become an issue and a problem.
As there are many professionals out there to help people with gambling problems around the world, I decided to share a text by Responsible Gambling Council.
Safer gambling means you’re using low-risk strategies when you gamble, like sticking to a budget when you play. If you’re unsure about whether or not your habits are leading you down a risky path, consider the questions below. If you answer “no” to any of them, you might be exhibiting signs of a problem.
Are you a safe gambler?
- Do you consider gambling just one of the many recreational activities you pursue?
- Do your bets stay within the limits of what you can afford? Are they reasonable and calculated?
- Do you find it easy to stop gambling?
- Do you realize that winning can be fun, but isn’t everything?
- Do you recognize that losing can be disappointing, but it isn’t everything?
- Do you understand that your chances of winning are often very small?
Characteristics of safer gambling
People who use safer gambling strategies typically think of gambling as just one form of entertainment. They factor gambling into their household budget by setting spending limits and sticking to them. They don’t expect to win back the money they’ve lost, nor do they think of gambling as a way to earn money. It’s important to remember that all gambling activities have risks and to enjoy safer gambling, you must be aware of the risks and how you can minimize them.

Do you feel that you have questions about responsible gambling, or do you think you have a problem? Please visit: responsiblegambling.org